92 research outputs found

    Origin and evolution of Gneiss-Charnockite rocks of Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, India

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    A low- to high-grade transition area in Dharmapuri district was investigated petrologically and geochemically. The investigation confirmed the presence of a continuous section through a former lower crust, with felsic charnockites predominating the lower part and felsic gneisses the upper part. The structure of original gneisses is preserved in charnockites and the latter show petrographic evidence for prograde metamorphism. The prograde metamorphism is of isochemical nature as revealed by the similarity of compositions of tonalitic gneisses and tonalitic charnockites. However, the depletion of LIL elements particularly Rb, caused variation in K/Rb ratios from low values (345) in the gneisses in upper part to higher values (1775) in the charnockites in the lower crust. This variation in K/Rb ratio in a north to south traverse is related to the progressive break-down of hydrous minerals under decreasing H2O and increasing CO2 fluid conditions. Metasomatism and partial melting has also taken place to a limited extent along shear planes and weak zones. During cooling the H2O circulation affected substantial auto-regression in the transition zone resulting in the formation of second generation biotite

    O pior caso estático de otimização do tempo de execução utilizando dpso para arquitetura ASIP

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    Introduction: The application of specific instructions significantly improves energy, performance, and code size of configurable processors. The design of these instructions is performed by the conversion of patterns related to application-specific operations into effective complex instructions. This research was presented at the icitkm Conference, University of Delhi, India in 2017. Methods: Static analysis was a prominent research method during late the 1980’s. However, end-to-end measurements consist of a standard approach in industrial settings. Both static analysis tools perform at a high-level in order to determine the program structure, which works on source code, or is executable in a disassembled binary. It is possible to work at a low-level if the real hardware timing information for the executable task has the desired features. Results: We experimented, tested and evaluated using a H.264 encoder application that uses nine cis, covering most of the computation intensive kernels. Multimedia applications are frequently subject to hard real time constraints in the field of computer vision. The H.264 encoder consists of complicated control flow with more number of decisions and nested loops. The parameters evaluated were different numbers of A partitions (300 slices on a Xilinx Virtex 7each), reconfiguration bandwidths, as well as relations of cpu frequency and fabric frequency fCPU/ffabric. ffabric remains constant at 100MHz, and we selected a multiplicity of its values for fCPU that resemble realistic units. Note that while we anticipate the wcet in seconds (wcetcycles/ f CPU) to be lower (better) with higher fCPU, the wcet cycles increase (at a constant ffabric) because hardware cis perform less computations on the reconfigurable fabric within one cpu cycle.    Introducción: la aplicación de instrucciones específicas mejora significativamente la energía, el rendimiento y el tamaño del código de los procesadores configurables. El diseño de estas instrucciones se realiza mediante conversión de patrones relacionados con operaciones específicas de la aplicación con instrucciones complejas y efectivas. Esta investigación se presentó en la Conferencia icitkm, Universidad de Delhi, India en 2017. Métodos: el análisis estático fue un método de investigación prominente durante la década de 1980; sin embargo, las mediciones de extremo a extremo son un enfoque convencional en los entornos industriales. Ambas herramientas de análisis estático se desempeñan a un alto nivel para determinar la estructura del programa que funciona en el código fuente, o que se ejecuta en un binario desmontado. Es posible trabajar a bajo nivel si la información de tiempo de hardware real para la tarea ejecutable presenta las características deseadas.  Introdução: a aplicação de instruções específicas melhora significativamente a energia, o desempenho e o tamanho do código dos processadores configuráveis. O desenho dessas instruções é realizado mediante a conversão de padrões relacionados com operações específicas da aplicação com instruções complexas e efetivas. Esta pesquisa foi apresentada na Conferência icitkm, Universidade de Délhi, Índia em 2017.Métodos: a análise estática foi um método de pesquisa proeminente durante a década de 1980; contudo, as medições de extremo a extremo são uma abordagem convencional nos contextos industriais. Ambas as ferramentas de análise estática se desempenham a um alto nível para determinar a estrutura do programa que funciona no código fonte ou que se executa num binário desmontado. É possível trabalhar a baixo nível se a informação de tempo de hardware real para a tarefa executável apresentar as características desejadas.Resultados: experimentamos, testamos e avaliamos com uma aplicação de codificação H.264 que utiliza nove elementos de configuração e cobre a maioria dos núcleos de cálculo intensivo. As aplicações multimídias estão com frequência sujeitas a duras restrições em tempo real no campo da visão por computador. O codificador H.264 consiste num complicado fluxo de controle com mais número de decisões e circuitos aninhados. Os parâmetros avaliados foram de diferentes números de particiones A (300 cortes num Xilinx Virtex 7 cada um) e largos de banda de reconfiguração, bem como de relações de frequência de cpu e frequência de fabric fcpu/ffabric. ffabric permanece constante a 100MHz. Selecionamos vários de seus valores para fcpu que são semelhantes a unidades realistas. É importante considerar que, ainda quando antecipamos o wcet em segundos (ciclos wcet/ fcpu), para que fossem inferiores (melhores) com fcpu mais alta, os ciclos wcet aumentam (num tecido constante f) porque os ci de hardware realizam menos cálculos no tecido reconfigurável dentro de uma cpu de ciclo.Conclusões: o método é similar à hibridação de árvores e métodos baseados en rotas, os quais são menos precisos, e ao método I pet global, que é mais preciso. A otimização é avaliada com o algoritmo de otimização por enxame de partículas discretas (dpso) para wcet. Para várias aplicações do mundo real que envolvem processadores integrados, a técnica proposta desenvolve conjuntos de instruções melhoradas em comparação com os conjuntos de instruções nativas.Originalidade: para a estimativa de wcet, deve-se considerar a análise de fluxo, a análise de baixo nível e as fases de cálculo do programa. A fase de análise de fluxo ou alto nível de análise ajuda a extrair o comportamento dinâmico do programa que proporciona informação sobre as funções invocadas, sobre o número de iterações de circuito, as dependências entre sentenças if, etc. Isso se deve a que a análise desconhece a rota de execução correspondente ao tempo de execução mais longo.Limitações: essa rota é executada dentro de uma iteração do núcleo que depende da natureza de mb, seja i-mb, seja p-mb, determinada pelo núcleo de estimativa de movimento, quer dizer que sua entrada depende das rotas i-mb e p-mb, que também contêm elementos de configuração separados que conduzem à instabilidade da rota do pior dos casos; em outras palavras, adicionar mais partições à rota atual do pior dos casos pode fazer com que a outra rota se converta no pior dos casos. A tubulação se detém pela demora de reconfiguração e continua ao ingressar no núcleo assim que finaliza o processo de reconfiguraçã

    Dual Phase Engineered Tissue for Enhanced Bone Formation.

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    Large bone defects are a significant clinical problem in the United States and worldwide. “Non-unions” are fractures that fail to heal due to a lack of blood supply to the defect site. In our approach to bone regeneration, we create modular engineered tissues (“microbeads”) designed to form bone, and combine them with a surrounding vascularizing tissue to generate a dual-phase injectable matrix for enhanced bone formation. In the first Aim, human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (bmMSC) or human adipose stem cells (AdSC) were embedded in collagen/fibrin (COL/FIB) or collagen/fibrin/hydroxyapatite (COL/FIB/HA) microbeads. Both cell types mineralized microbeads, indicating differentiation towards the osteogenic lineage. The second Aim used a co-culture model of bmMSC and human umbilical vein endothelial cells in COL/FIB composite hydrogels to create a vasculogenic matrix. Cell ratio and matrix composition were varied in a systematic manner. Vascular network formation increased in vitro with increasing fibrin content in composite materials, although the 40/60 COL/FIB and pure fibrin materials exhibited similar responses. Hydroxyapatite (HA) was found to recover endothelial network formation in unconstrained hydrogels. Over 7 days of dorsal subcutaneous implantation in nude mice, these matrices exhibited increasing neovascularization, though there was no significant effect of HA. The final Aim combined osteogenic microbeads with a surrounding vasculogenic matrix to evaluate the effect of this dual-phase tissue in vivo. Both vasculogenesis and osteogenesis were examined in a subcutaneous bone formation model in the mouse at 4 and 8 weeks. Blood flow measured by Doppler imaging was not significantly different between any conditions at any time point, except at 8 weeks where the vasculogenic matrix alone was lower than all other groups. Micro-computed tomography of ectopic bone demonstrated significantly higher bone volume in the osteogenic microbead condition at 4 weeks and both the blank and osteogenic microbead conditions at 8 weeks, compared to the dual osteogenic/vasculogenic condition. These data suggest an inhibitory effect of the vasculogenic component on bone formation in the non-ischemic model. Dual-phase implants may be more effective in ischemic orthotopic bone regeneration models, and these results demonstrate that such constructs can be designed, fabricated, and delivered for therapeutic use.PhDBiomedical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/99786/1/ramrao_1.pd

    Instantaneous frequency estimation of multicomponent non- stationary signals using Fourier Bessel series and Time-Varying Auto Regressive Model

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    In this paper, we propose a novel technique for Instantaneous frequency (IF) estimation of multi component non stationary signals using Fourier Bessel Series and Time–Varying Auto Regressive (FB-TVAR) model. In the proposed technique, the Fourier-Bessel (FB) expansion decomposes the multicomponent non stationary signal into a number of monocomponent signals and TVAR model is used to model each monocomponent signal. In TVAR modeling approach the time varying parameters are expanded as a linear combination of basis functions. In this paper, the TVAR parameters are expanded by a discrete cosine basis functions. The maximum likelihood estimation algorithm for model order selection in TVAR models is also discussed. The Instantaneous frequency (IF) is extracted from the time-varying parameters by calculating the angles of the estimation error filter polynomial roots. The estimation of the TVAR parameters of a multicomponent signal requires the inversion of a large covariance matrix, while the projected technique (FB-TVAR) requires the inversion of a number of comparatively small covariance matrices with better numerical stability properties. Simulation results are presented for three component discrete Amplitude and Frequency modulated(AM-FM)signa


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    ABSTRACT In this paper, a method is proposed to improve the performance of 3

    Handbook on Groundnut Insect Pests Identification and Management. Information Bulletin No. 39

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    Groundnut or peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important oilseed crop in Asia and Africa. Being a leguminous crop it enriches the soil through nitrogen fixation and the haulms are a good source of nutritious fodder. Groundnut is attacked by many insects at different stages of plant growth, but only a few of the over 100 insects associated with this crop are economically important. This bulletin provides short descriptions of the insect species most important to groundnut, their biology, distribution, and damage symptoms. Color photographs are provided for easy identification of the pests, and appropriate management practices are suggested

    Post-harvest Insect Pests of Groundnut and their Management

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    Groundnuts after harvest are attacked by a plethora of insect pests in storage across the world. This publication discusses the importance of post-harvest processing in the management of insect pests. Emphasis is given to crop husbandry, monitoring, sampling, prevention of insect damage, management of established infestation, and eco-friendly management in commercial and farm-household situations. This bulletin also discusses various practices suitable for commercial and household storag

    Handbook on Chickpea and Pigeonpea Insect Pests Identification and Management. Information Bulletin No. 57

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    Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is grown on more than 11.9 million hectares worldwide, with a 10.9 million ton production, and is the second most important legume crop after dry beans. It is widely grown as an annual crop in South and West Asia, and in East and North Africa (Fig. 1). India is the largest chickpea producer on 8.2 m ha with a production of 7.5 m tons. Smaller areas of chickpeas are also grown in Europe, the Americas, Australia and..

    An in vitro method to select malignant cells from surgical biopsies of breast cancer patients

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    To date, breast cancer (BC) research is mainly studied with cell lines. These cells were passaged multiple times, acquiring phenotypes, additional mutations and epigenetic changes. These changes make the passaged cell lines different from the original malignancy. Thus cell lines, although useful as models could be improved with additional studies with primary BC. It is difficult to obtain malignant cells from breast tissues without contamination from surrounding healthy cells. Selection and expansion of malignant cells from surgical tissues have proved to be daunting tasks. This study describes a reliable and reproducible method for isolating and expanding malignant cells from surgical breast tissues. The method uses co-cultures with BM stroma to select for the cancer cells while the healthy cells undergo rapid cell death. Studies are described to show the cloning efficiencies and sensitivity of the method using surgical samples of varying sizes, different stages of BC, and samples from needle biopsies

    Use of Micro-Computed Tomography to Nondestructively Characterize Biomineral Coatings on Solid Freeform Fabricated Poly (L-Lactic Acid) and Poly (ɛ-Caprolactone) Scaffolds In Vitro and In Vivo

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    Biomineral coatings have been extensively used to enhance the osteoconductivity of polymeric scaffolds. Numerous porous scaffolds have previously been coated with a bone-like apatite mineral through incubation in simulated body fluid (SBF). However, characterization of the mineral layer formed on scaffolds, including the amount of mineral within the scaffolds, often requires destructive methods. We have developed a method using micro-computed tomography (?-CT) scanning to nondestructively quantify the amount of mineral in vitro and in vivo on biodegradable scaffolds made of poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) and poly (?-caprolactone) (PCL). PLLA and PCL scaffolds were fabricated using an indirect solid freeform fabrication (SFF) technique to achieve orthogonally interconnected pore architectures. Biomineral coatings were formed on the fabricated PLLA and PCL scaffolds after incubation in modified SBF (mSBF). Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction confirmed the formation of an apatite-like mineral. The scaffolds were implanted into mouse ectopic sites for 3 and 10 weeks. The presence of a biomineral coating within the porous scaffolds was confirmed through plastic embedding and ?-CT techniques. Tissue mineral content (TMC) and volume of mineral on the scaffold surfaces detected by ?-CT had a strong correlation with the amount of calcium measured by the orthocresolphthalein complex-one (OCPC) method before and after implantation. There was a strong correlation between OCPC pre- and postimplantation and ?-CT measured TMC (R2=0.96 preimplant; R2=0.90 postimplant) and mineral volume (R2=0.96 preimplant; R2=0.89 postimplant). The ?-CT technique showed increases in mineral following implantation, suggesting that ?-CT can be used to nondestructively determine the amount of calcium on coated scaffolds.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140242/1/ten.tec.2012.0495.pd